The Inside Story of Church of The Highlands – What they don’t want you to know exposed

- News - August 18, 2024
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Church of the Highlands is one of the largest megachurches in America. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, and led by founder and Senior Pastor Chris Hodges, it has over 75,000 weekly attendees across multiple campuses. However, below the shiny surface, there are some disturbing details about the inner workings of the Church of the Highlands that have not been known to the public until now. This article will expose what the Church of the Highlands doesn’t want you to know through investigative research and insider sources.

Cult-like Control and Manipulation

One of the significant criticisms levelled at the Church of the Highlands is that it exhibits cult-like behaviours in its attempts to control members. Former members and attendees have reported pushy recruiters who try to get people signed up for every ministry and program at the church. There is also an emphasis on tithing 10% of one’s income, which is strongly encouraged through manipulation. Members have reported feeling like they are constantly being monitored by church leadership and made to conform without dissent. The primary purpose seems to be growing the church rather than spiritual growth. Through control of information and member relationships, the Church of the Highlands aims to keep people locked into a cycle of dependency on the church.

Shady Financial Dealings

There have long been questions about the finances of the Church of the Highlands, given its rapid growth into a multimillion-dollar organization. However, only some details about salaries, spending, and financial accountability are publicly available. Several former associates and members have blown the whistle about excessive spending on the lavish lifestyles of top leaders rather than charitable works. Properties are often purchased through shell companies and LLCs to obscure the sources and uses of funds. With a focus on tithing and massive sums each week, there needs to be greater transparency about where exactly all the money is going at the Church of the Highlands. Some speculate it primarily enriches those at the top rather than the ministries and community, as churchgoers are led to believe.

Questionable Teachings and Theology

According to critics, the theology and teachings promoted at the Church of the Highlands have also raised red flags; there is an emphasis on superficial signs like health, wealth, and happiness as outward signs of godliness rather than inward spiritual growth and Christ-like character. Criticisms of other denominations and division among local churches are common. Some sermons also veer into political endorsement, violating church and state separation. Former members reported an environment where questioning leadership or doctrine were actively discouraged. Superficial teachings focused more on being trendy to attract members rather than biblical substance or Christ-centered discipleship. Members are fed a constant diet of propaganda rather than allowing spiritual maturity.

Unequal Treatment of Women

While women make up the majority of church attendees, leadership at the Church of the Highlands is almost exclusively male-dominated, according to inside sources. Former female members and employees report pervasive sexism, harassment, and unequal treatment. Women’s roles primarily focus on child-rearing, homemaking, and serving men. Critiques of this patriarchal status quo are not tolerated, according to inside reports. Women with leadership ambitions are subtly but strongly discouraged from rising in ranks and having influence. Behind the scenes at the Church of the Highlands, women feel they have been treated as second-class citizens meant mainly for male gratification and serving rather than equals in God’s kingdom.

Culture of Fear, Dissent and Retaliation

According to insiders, Perhaps due to the control, manipulation, and unequal treatment, there is reportedly a silent culture of fear at the Church of the Highlands; people are afraid to ask questions, voice dissent, or even leave the church for fear of retaliation and character assassination. Examples abound of leaders rallying members to shun former parishioners after they left. Careers, businesses, and lives have been damaged as a warning to keep the faithful in line. Leaders maintain tight control through an illusion of choice while ensuring anyone stepping out of bounds suffers consequences. This cultivates an environment where truth and transparency are enemies of the church’s authoritarian agenda. Growth is prioritized over members’ well-being, safety and development.


In conclusion, this article has strived to expose the hidden underside of the Church of the Highlands based on credible insider sources and examples. Beyond the popular image of being a thriving megachurch, a closer look shows disturbing patterns of manipulation, lack of financial accountability, questionable teachings, mistreatment of women, and a culture of fear and retaliation intended to prop up leadership rather than a focus on Christ. As the church continues its ambitious growth plans, these issues need to be addressed for the sake of both current and future members who may become unwitting victims of its controlling and abusive tendencies. Greater transparency, balanced leadership, and overall reform seem necessary for the Church of the Highlands to live up to the Christianity it professes to teach.

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